Weekly Horoscopes for November 21- 27, 2016


This week may be rough at work, so set aside some time for meditation. Other peoples’ tempers can cause tension in the field or office and it may be hard to avoid the bad vibes. A friend may try to get between you and your lover out of jealousy over you; be flattered but make clear boundaries


Be honest with any potential employers about your work history if you are applying for a new job. You may be surprised at how issues that you thought would make you look bad will actually help you get your foot in the door. Don’t be afraid of “relationship” talks with your partner; this one has new information that will make you feel secure


Playing games may be fun for a while, but they won’t get you the person you want most. You will have to be straightforward, and, yes, vulnerable to get to their heart. Make travel plans this week to get the best deals and accommodations possible


You have always had the ability to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, but try to pamper yourself for a change. The more energy you have the more you can give to others. If you get a compliment from an attractive person don’t brush it off as “just being nice”. Take a leap of faith and keep the flirtation going and see where it leads


A burst of energy and desire can have you in hot pursuit of someone new; just make sure you know their relationship status and preferences before making any major moves.  Believe in your work even if someone tries to tell you that it’s not good enough; jealous people are just trying to undermine your confidence


When doing business this week, make sure that your conversations are private. Someone with loose lips can sabotage your plans. If you plan to approach a potential love interest, make sure that you are willing to dedicate yourself to doing your part before getting involved


Your favorite people are just a phone call away, so don’t let pride stand in your way of making contact; you may be surprised what they have to offer. Be sure that you know what you want before making any financial plans so that no one else can persuade you into their way of thinking


You are in the process of regeneration, so go ahead and invest in a makeover or life coach to get things moving. You are not crazy! That attractive person is interested in you, so don’t be shy.  Don’t be distracted by anyone else’s deceptions; listen to your gut instincts because they have never failed you before


 All you have to do to get out of your slump is change your mind. Life’s twists and turns happen for a reason and you need to see what is being offered to you; it may not be the direction you chose, but it’s the right one for you. Someone who once treated you badly will turn around and need your attention; be sure that you can forgive them before getting involved again


The universe is telling you that you need people that will be supportive of you instead of bringing you down. Someone will show their true colors and you will know it is time to make a change; but don’t worry, someone better will be on their way shortly. A business meeting can turn volatile when a jealous coworker snaps; just duck and detach from their energy


Be flexible in business as you may have many offers coming your way and you want the leeway and time to choose the best ones. So don’t commit to anything until every offer has been investigated. A friend of a past lover wants your attention; keep it private to avoid the drama


Be open to new friendships even if they seem different than your usual crowd; you need a change of perspective. Don’t try to please someone that doesn’t please you in a love relationship; your energy will just be drained and they will never change


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