Mars enters Aquarius

Mars enters Aquarius November 9, 2016 and will stay there until December 19th. Aquarius is the natural 11th house of the zodiac representing groups of people, acquaintances, and social causes. If you are an Aquarian sun, moon or ascendant sign this transit will raise your social and romantic profile. You may be more popular than you expect, so plan to use your calendar to keep track of all of your plans. This can also get you fired up in business or a new social cause where you are networking with new groups. Your desire for what you want will expand,, but don’t lay all of your eggs in one basket, for your ruling planet, Uranus may have something new in store for you!

For everyone else, depending on your personal natal points and planets, this transit will really fire up the already volatile socio-political landscape. We are already seeing social unrest in many parts of the world and the results of the presidential election will definitely add to this. Fighting for social change and in some cases fighting for peace and justice will be flavor of the next month during this transit. There could also be in-fighting among groups causing a change in hierarchy. This can be a change in leadership in your Saturday night billiards club or in important religious (Saturn in Sagittarius) institutions.

 We may find ourselves attracted to new interests or cliques that may have seemed out of character before. We just have to be careful not to get involved in anything that we can’t get out of later, especially if we are just fired up (Mars) during this transit.


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