Weekly Horoscopes for August 1-6, 2016
It’s time to launch into the next
level on your career path, but be sure that you gauge your take off just right.
If you aim too low you could be stuck for a while, but if you aim too high you
could take a fall that takes the wind out of your confidence
Make it a great time for everyone
involved during a friendly gathering by reining in any comments that can affect
the mood. You care too much, but sometimes your wit can leave your loved ones
feeling exposed, so find a better time to show your concern. Your love life may
get a boost, but you have to have the energy to respond, so get plenty of rest
instead of burning the midnight oil at work
Be mindful of the situation when
you see someone you want this week. It’s okay to plan how you are going to make
this person yours, but now is not the time to rush blindly into a new love
affair. Find out who they are before you find your approach
Believe in yourself even if
everyone in your life seems to be telling you that you are wrong. It’s just
that they can’t see into the human heart the way that you can; so stick with
what you know. Be polite to strangers this week; one of them may be the key to
your future advancement at work. Keep your eyes open because they may not be
easy to spot at first
The thrilling way that your heart
used to beat when you and your lover first met can be yours again if you set
the stage right. Make an effort to remember your partners favorites; don’t worry
about spending a lot unless you have the cash on hand, the thought is enough to
do the trick
Spending your time with loved
ones can be a real treat and a break from your everyday grind, but also
consider the flip side before you make plans for any extended visits. Family
can bring out the best and the worst in everyone so don’t overestimate how long
the peace will last. Your income may increase but you must understand that so
will your expenses when it comes to managing it
You get one more chance to reach
out to that old flame before they make a commitment to someone else so act now
and you are sure to get what you want. Before you volunteer for more responsibility
at work consider whether or not you really want to take on more right now.
Think about it for a week or so before committing
Play nice with strangers this
week because they will be your biggest issue. You may find that hot issues cool
down when it comes to close friends and family, but people unknown to you may
try to pick a fight. Don’t give them what they want and stay cool. Bring a
shovel if you go to the beach. There is no telling what you may find just
beneath the surface
Give your loved ones a gift by
honoring yourself for a change. Sometimes to weight you carry for others
becomes a burden and the people you love are so dependent that they can’t see
when you need a break. Make time for yourself and have a great day off; you can
delegate responsibility to others and for once they will likely comply
Stay close to familiar territory
this week; venturing too far out of your comfort zone can lead to strange
encounters. You want to be in a place
where you don’t have to rely on strangers for help. You may need to show a
little more enthusiasm when it comes your love life; the signals that you are
giving off are not what is in your heart-yes, you have to say the words
Your allegiance to groups can be
the downfall of your current relationship if you don’t find a reasonable balance.
Consider who or what you value for the future so that you can out the
appropriate emphasis on that area of your life. Make sure that you are getting
paid what you are worth at work; undervaluing your skills is worse that
over inflating
Your dreams may seem more strange
than usual, but if you look at them as a whole you will find the key to
unlocking the subconscious message they are sending you. Don’t be shy about
letting others in on your secrets, especially if they help others; you will be
amazed at what you can affect. Don’t push the limits of your budget this week;
that item you have your eye on will still be there next week when it is a more
reasonable purchase
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