Pluto Conjunct Sun in Capricorn

Early Saturday morning the center of our universe and giver of life to all, the Sun, will be in alignment with Pluto, the planet of death and transformation. This clash of dark and light, mingling of energies of the largest and one of the smallest bodies that affect our daily lives will be intense. These heavenly bodies are two of the most powerful energies in the Milky Way, and we will all feel it. The sun will shine its light into one of the darkest and coldest places in our hearts and minds. Pluto will cast its shadow (and that of our on psyches) onto the brightness of the sun which rules our egos and self importance.

Pluto rules the underworld and the unseen, and that can be very scary, however, we know that hidden treasures are usually buried in the places that only the brave would dare to go. We will likely all engage in, or will at least witness power struggles in our own lives and on the world stage. The hidden treasures will come to light (think Pirate’s booty in a murky swamp) and some of the majesty of the golden and worshipped normality of the world we know may show its dark side (think Bill Cosby).

With Jupiter in Libra and opposing Uranus in Aries and Mercury and Saturn in Sagittarius we are bound to see some harsh truths that will reverse our ways of thinking leading to a more forgiving and generous spirit in our relationships with others and with ourselves. Venus and Neptune in Pisces will ensure that we consider the beauty and fantastical in the collective ocean with open hearts and compassion.

Depending where this lands in our personal astrological charts we will feel an intense awakening in these areas. What transpires and is revealed may be painful, yet revealing especially in our sexual and romantic relationships. We will see where we give away and where we abuse our personal individuality, power, and authority. This will change the dynamics in interpersonal energy and we may see many break-ups, make-ups and shocking shifts in power structures both large and small.

If we keep the faith and release the negatives we will be able to regain balance in or lives and on our planet. We must keep our eyes open even if at first we don’t like what we see because we never know when or where a miraculous change can occur and we will regret missing the transformation

-          Diana Black


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